Attila Németh
Attila Németh (PhD in Classics, Royal Holloway, University of London) is a research fellow at the Department of Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. He specializes in ancient philosophy, with a focus on the Hellenistic period. He has recently published a monograph, Epicurus on the Self (Routledge: London/New York, 2017), which received an award of excellence in the same year, granted by the Hungarian Association for Philosophy. His new research focuses on the literary self in Roman philosophy in the context of the development of Roman selfhood. He is investigating how the need to think philosophically in Latin changed the language of philosophy and expanded the concept and representation of selfhood through the literary genres in which philosophical ideas were expressed, by studying how the notions of the ‘self’ and ‘selfhood’ were created and revised in literary and philosophical discourse, through speech and language, and through the interaction of literary form and philosophical ideas.