Georgia Flouda
Georgia Flouda is a Curator at the Heraklion Archaeological Museum, where she has been involved in designing and implementing the redisplay of the Minoan Collection. She specializes in Aegean prehistory and classical archaeology (PhD University of Athens) with a focus on the Aegean scripts. Her interests center upon the cognitive aspects of the Aegean writing systems, theoretical approaches to funerary practice, museum exhibits design and interconnecting museum narratives with traditional field research and archaeological material studies. She has co-edited Archaeology and Heinrich Schliemann a century after his death. Assessments and prospects: Myth – History – Science (2012) with G. Korres and N. Karadimas. In 2011, she was awarded a Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Research Fellowship in Hellenic Studies at Princeton University. While based at the CHS, her research will focus on the materialization of burial ideology in the Minoan communities of Apesokari and Porti in the Mesara/Crete.