Georgia Tsouni
Georgia Tsouni works in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy. Her research primarily concerns Aristotelian and Stoic ethical and political philosophy, the history of the Platonic Academy and Cicero’s philosophical works. She obtained a PhD in Classics (Ancient Philosophy) from the University of Cambridge (Newnham College) in 2010. Her monograph Antiochus and Peripatetic Ethics was published in 2019 with Cambridge University Press. Other publications include the edition and translation of Didymus’ Outline of Peripatetic Ethics which survives in the Byzantine anthology of Stobaeus (in B. Fortenbaugh (ed.), Arius Didymus on Peripatetic Ethics, Household Management, and Politics. Text, Translation, and Discussion. RUSCH vol. XX (2017) London: Routledge). While at the CHS she worked on two articles ‘Wise Citizens and Other Arguments for the Defense of Democracy in Aristotle’s Politics’ and ‘Different Forms of Political Knowledge in Aristotle’, which are currently under review.