Stefan Feuser
Stefan Feuser (PhD University of Münster) is Research Assistant in Classical Archaeology at the University of Rostock, Germany. He received his MA degree at the Humboldt-University at Berlin and wrote his dissertation about “Monopodia – Figural Table Supports from Asia Minor” at the University of Münster (published in a revised version in 2013) for which he was awarded a travel fellowship of the German Archaeological Institute in 2009. Stefan is author of the book Der Hafen von Alexandria Troas in which he publishes and discusses the results of a field survey in the harbor of Alexandreia Troas. His current research interests include, among others, the urbanism and pictorial representation of Greek and Roman port cities. Since 2012 he is principle investigator of the project “Images and Imaginations of Roman Ports” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). While at the CHS he will work on his habilitation project concerning the urbanism of Hellenistic and Roman Imperial harbor cities in the eastern Mediterranean.