Sven Schipporeit
Sven Schipporeit (PhD Heidelberg University) teaches at the University of Vienna. A Classical Archaeologist, his main focus lies on the interaction between religion, imagery, architecture, urban development and society from archaic Greece to early imperial Rome. This research encompasses a doctoral thesis on “Kulte und Heiligtümer der Demeter und Kore in Ionien” released in 2013 as vol. 16 in the Byzas series including a close look on the Eleusinian mysteries, surveys on cult meals and chariots for the Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum, on votive practice and images, on religion and politics in Ionia and Sicily, and on several topics centered around the Roman Triumph, carried out as Research Fellow in Heidelberg and as Assistant Professor in Vienna at the Departments of Classical Archaeology. As a CHS and DAI fellow he will work on the urban fabric and cultic constitution of synoicized Poleis in late classical and early hellenistic times: Rhodes will serve as a first case study, where the citizens promoted the minor god Helios to patron of the unified city-state, in place of Athena, the widely recognized poliadic goddess of their old three cities.